Making Of...

Research and Development
As there is always news from the Musical Theatre world I began to follow a blog:  This blog featured top stories, reviews and statistics which I could feature in my own blog. Having said this I didn’t want my blog to copy what this blog had to offer so I made it a bit more personal by showing audiences what I had done within the Musical Theatre world. Adding a personal touch makes people actually consider that you know what you are talking about and that you yourself have had experience within the Musical Theatre world. I also used Twitter to research the latest gossip and news from Musical Theatre land. Twitter seemed quicker to access than a blog as people can access Twitter through smart phones and laptops constantly. I made sure I was following people such as West End Performers, Inside Journalists and Producers of the shows. This enabled me to get the latest news and then feature a bigger article within my blog.
Not only was my blog used for latest stories, I developed it and used it as a platform for topical debates. With the Olympics coming up I thought it worth mentioning how London’s West End would cope during the summer. I also used the blog to express my own opinions on topical items such as my thoughts on the new Susan Boyle musical.  I thought that the three types of blogging would be beneficial to audiences of my blog as people don’t just want opinionated blogs or blogs on debating, they want a variety.
Youtube played a big part in the development process of my blog and this is because I wanted my blog to be more visual than people having to read. Audiences are much more drawn to videos and pictures because reading on a computer can get tiresome and boring. Also, I used Youtube clips to highlight key points and promote new shows. This will benefit the audience of my blog when they are deciding on whether or not they want to see the shows I am writing about.
Overall, I am happy with how I researched into the blog’s theme and how I have used this research into developing an interesting yet informative blog.

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